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Design It For Us Celebrates FTC’s Finalized Rulemaking

We’re thrilled to see this rulemaking finalized. It’s a long-overdue step forward that will protect young people online from targeted advertising.

Youth coalition’s work supported the agency’s victory amidst legislative shortcomings.

Design It For Us co-chair Zamaan Qureshi released the following statement:

“We’re thrilled to see this rulemaking finalized. It’s a long-overdue step forward that will protect young people online from targeted advertising. The FTC’s action will empower young users and their families to have agency over their online experiences and ownership over their personal information. We were pleased to work with the FTC on its rulemaking to ensure that the voices of young people were incorporated, including reflecting many of the principles in the Design It For Us Policy Platform.”

“While Congress failed last year to enact privacy and safety protections for our generation online, the FTC acted to bolster privacy protections that had not been updated in twelve years. We thank the Commissioners for their leadership, especially Chair Khan who championed protecting young people online throughout her term as chair of the FTC.”


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