Design It For Us on NetChoice Lawsuit Against Maryland Kids Code

The Kids Code legislation offers long overdue protection for my generation so that we can experience a safer online environment after sustained exploitation and undue harms of social media. Instead of using this moment to practice accountability, Big Tech companies would rather continue to ignore our stories and experiences so that they can continue raking in profits at the expense of our safety and well-being.

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Design It For Us Unveils Declaration of Digital Rights

Design It For Us today unveiled its Declaration of Digital Rights, which centers youth voices in determining policy and design priorities needed to protect young users of social media platforms. Grounded in polling conducted during Design It For Us’ campus tour, the Declaration of Digital Rights presents a youth-led vision for social media advocacy. 

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Design It For Us on the Kids Online Safety Act

House leadership’s decision to kill KOSA despite the bill’s overwhelming bipartisan support only benefits Big Tech and their lobbyists. It is abhorrent that Speaker Johnson and Majority Leader Scalise failed to heed the call of so many young people and parents crying out for online safety protections.

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