The federation put out the report with several other organizations that have criticized the impact of social media: the American Psychological Association, Design It For Us, Fairplay and ParentsTogether.
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Young People Lobby Congress for More Online Protections
Design It For Us, a coalition of youth-led organizations that advocates for online protection for youth and young adults, created its installation of white yard signs to call for the passage of the Kids Online Safety Act and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act.
Measures needed to enhance online safety
Recognizing the personal significance of these issues, I co-founded a youth-led coalition called Design It For Us, to advocate for safer online platforms. We aim to achieve policy reforms that protect kids, teens and young adults online, engaging with lawmakers and regulators to hold Big Tech accountable. This is personal for my generation.
Youth online safety bills win passage in 3 more states
“It’s on Big Tech to protect young people by ensuring our privacy is of utmost importance by designing their products with our input, not handing over control to parents to infringe on kids’ right to privacy,” said Zamaan Qureshi, co-chair of Design It For Us, a youth-led campaign that supports California-style design code legislation, in a statement.
Advocates split on kids online safety bill LGBTQ+ impact
“The state AG part has been tremendously watered down and concerns have been addressed. It hasn’t gone through markup, and that’s an opportunity to bring up more changes,” said Design It for Us co-chair Zamaan Qureshi.
Teen Data Safeguards Floated in Kids’ Privacy Law Proposal
The bills from Markey, Cassidy, Blumenthal, and Blackburn also got backing from Design It For Us, a coalition of young activists and organizations advocating for safer social media and online platforms. The group applauded the legislation’s focus on regulating how tech companies design their products, rather than leaving it up to kids or parents to mitigate risks.
Bipartisan pair of lawmakers push to protect children online
“Right now, the burden of safety on social media and online platforms falls squarely on me on my peers, and on parents. And when, not if, we are faced with harmful content or interactions online, there are a few places to turn,” said Zamaan Qureshi, youth advocate and co-chair of Design It For Us, self-described as a “coalition of young activists and organizations advocating for safer social media and online platforms for kids, teens and young adults.”
Kids Online Safety Act looks to protect children from social media harm
Parents and advocates shared stories Tuesday on how social media is harming kids. “The constant quantification of my worth through likes, comments, and followers, increased my anxiety and deepened my depression,” Design It For Us Youth Advocate Emma Lembke said.
Blumenthal’s kids online safety bill gains more support in Congress
Young users like Emma Lembke and Zamaan Qureshi, who co-chair Design It For Us, argue they should also be in control of their online experience rather than giving the authority solely to parents or guardians. Qureshi said Generation Z should have a “seat at the table.”
Blumenthal’s kids online safety bill gains more support in Congress
Young users like Emma Lembke and Zamaan Qureshi, who co-chair Design It For Us, argue they should also be in control of their online experience rather than giving the authority solely to parents or guardians. Qureshi said Generation Z should have a “seat at the table.”