Emails and Calls for the Kids Online Safety Act

The time is NOW.

The Kids Online Safety Act has overwhelmingly passed the Senate 91-3, and now it’s up to the House of Representatives to pass the strongest possible legislation that will protect kids and teens online, and finally hold Big Tech accountable.

Representatives Scalise, Johnson and your own Representatives have the power to make this happen. Our representatives need to hear from us, and you can help. 

Take these simple steps to let our elected officials know just how important this legislation is to the wellbeing of the youth in our country. Tell them to pass the strongest possible Kids Online Safety Act.


Use these tools below to easily call these key elected officials. Simple click the buttons below, input your information, and you’ll receive a call right to your phone that will connect you directly to the offices of these elected officials. Use the script provided in the tool to easily make your voice heard.

Use these tools below to easily email these key elected officials. Simply click the buttons below and input your information. The tool will send off your email for you!

Submit your story

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