View our coalition’s statement on TikTok:


Support the Maryland Age Appropriate Design Code

Thanks for your interest in advocating for a safer online environment for kids, teens and young adults! Your voice is invaluable in this fight – we need to tell lawmakers that our online environment is unsafe and dangerous, and we need to tell them what they can do to improve it for the better.

What can you do to help? To help hold Big Tech accountable, you can start right here in Maryland. Join other advocates to support vital legislation that is being considered in state houses right now – the Age Appropriate Design Code (AADC). This is a set of proven standards that would make social media and online platforms safer by design and by default. They are common sense product standards, much like a seatbelt, that help make social media and online platforms a safer place for young people to continue growing and learning. These policies will directly affect you and future generations. Learn more about Maryland’s AADC here:

Use these easy tools to take action right now: 

Reach out to to get involved in these additional opportunities to leverage your experience, networks and platforms:  

  • Become a media spokesperson
  • Write an op-ed
  • Join a lobby day

Only have the time to do one quick thing? We totally get it! The easiest but most helpful thing you can do is sign the petition to show your support.

If you don’t live in Maryland but want to learn how to get involved, fill out this interest form or email 

Submit your story

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