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Has Social Media Fuelled a Teen-Suicide Crisis?

Some of the senators who had spoken earlier also made remarks at the rally, as did the attorney general of New Mexico, the Facebook whistle-blower Arturo Béjar, and a youth activist named Zamaan Qureshi, who announced that a “coalition of young people” was determined “to take back control of our lives from social-media companies.” Arielle Geismar, George Washington University’s student-body president at the time, said, “We were forced to play a dopamine slot machine at the expense of our life.”

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Will Big Tech be held accountable when it comes to violence against women?

Arielle Geismar, co-chair of the youth-led Design It For Us campaign, said that the White House bringing these companies to the table is a step in the right direction. “Frankly, I would have loved to see them come to the conclusion by themselves, but I think it’s pretty clear that these tech companies are not quite able to regulate themselves,” she said.

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Minn. lawmaker leads renewed push for kids online safety amid industry resistance

The campaign to pass Kids Code laws in multiple states is spearheaded by a coalition of youth and parent advocacy groups that espouses a “safety by design” approach to building online products that kids are likely to encounter. Members of the coalition include Common Sense Media, Design It for Us, the Center for Humane Technology and The Student Data Privacy Project.

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The unlikely alliance bringing the tech giants to heel

An alliance of little-known advocacy groups has convinced five states to pass laws to protect kids online and is now making inroads in Washington. The nonpartisan coalition has done it by delivering parents’ and kids’ stories about bullying and exploitative content on Facebook, TikTok and other platforms. By focusing on the harms to kids’ health, these organizations have helped enact laws in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland and New York meant to regulate social media for minors.

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Advocates blast House for holding Kids Online Safety Act ‘hostage’

Zamaan Qureshi, co-chair of the youth-led group Design It For Us, also pushed for quick action on KOSA after Thursday’s cancelled markup — especially given the dwindling legislative calendar. “With such limited time left this year, Congress does not have the luxury to keep kicking the can down the road. It’s time for our Congressional leaders to step up.”

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